Friday, November 6, 2009

Quick update

For anyone who is checking out my blog.....Dave and I have a fingerprint appointment next week.  I'm not sure how long it will take between fingerprints and USCIS approval, but hopefully it will be quick. Once the approval comes we get a few last pieces of paper through the notary/authentication steps and we have everything ready for our dossier!  We are ready to get that piece out in the mail to our agency and then off to China.  Our hope was to have it well on its way by December.  Knowing that both American and Chinese holidays will complicate the speed at which this is all processed, we'd like for things to be logged in asap.  Once that dossier is in China we await a LID - Log in Date.  After the dossier is reviewed they will send us an RA (referral approval) as we are already PreApproved.  After the RA, we await our TA (travel approval).  Once the travel approval arrives we are quickly planning flights and our two weeks in China- depending upon our agency's next travel group, once we get the TA it could be a month, or a week, until travel.  I am wishing and hoping and praying that we can be in China by March/April - but am preparing for a possibility that it may be May.  As I wrote this I glanced at the spring calendar and see that there is a spring recess for the schools.  It would be PERFECT if things fell into place where our two weeks in China coincide with that week.  Instead of missing two weeks of school the girls would only miss one.  I don't mind taking them out - but I think Ballerina might sorely miss being there!
Anyway - we are another step closer to a big journey across the ocean!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Four Years!

Four Years - that is how long I've been a mommy.  Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of sweet Ballerina joining our family.  Today is the fourth anniversary of it being official - the day we signed the adoption papers.  Its been an amazing four years.  Our first foray into parenthood immediately led us into the paper process for our second sweet girl.  We brought Songbird home 2 1/2 years later and now we are planning a return trip this spring to bring home Big Sister.  The night we watched Ballerina sleeping in her crib for the first time we vowed that this would not be our only trip to China, nor our only child.  We loved her right from the start and couldn't believe how blessed we were to have been put on this path by God.  Years prior to our paperchase we might have thought that a true miracle in our family would have involved children being born to us...and perhaps adoption later.  Instead we found that the real miracle was adoption.  For us, this is how we grow our family, and clearly how God always intended it. 
I often can't believe that I'm the only one of my friends who've adopted - I'm not counting the people that I met because of adoption, I mean the ones I knew before adoption became my passion - who knew me and Dave well before that was on the horizon.  I honestly wonder how come more people don't adopt, how come they ONLY choose to give birth to their kids.  I feel like many of our friends and family could easily be adoptive parents if they truly considered it, prayed about it and took a leap of faith.  We don't see ourselves as very different from our friends, but being adoptive parents is different....and I don't feel like it should be - we should ALL be adoptive parents.  I am always praying that children without families will find them - and while I pray for them, I pray that some of my loving friends, who are already wonderful parents, will find that they can welcome a child into their family through adoption.  They have been incredibly supportive of our family - I would love to be the ones supporting them!
I know that the biggest challenge as parents is ahead of us with the adoption of a tween, but I'm praying that God will guide us all through the next stage.  We will need all the heaven sent help we can get!
This post wasn't what I intended it to be, praise to God for the adventure he has led us on, and the blessings of the two girls who are the complete joys of our lives.....but its what's rattling around in my brain.....adoption evangelization!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reunions and Stuff

We've just returned from a trip to Tennessee where we linked up with six other families who traveled to China with us in 2005.  Our sweet girls have proven to be really great travelers - again.  I take each trip at a time and hope that they can continue the trend.  They, thankfully, are really shaping up to be really solid travelers who can be amused for hours on end in the car.  We did stop from time to time to let the inner beasts run free and let their daddy nap at the rest area...he was so good - he did ALL the driving.  Our little Songbird thwarted our plans to get up extra early and put her and Ballerina in the car to fall back asleep until we were on the road for a few hours.  Instead of getting them up early, Songbird decided she was going to wake up at 2:00 a.m.- it took an hour to get her back to sleep and we opted to sleep in a little bit so that we were better prepared.....oh well!  Anyway, we made the trip in two days with a stopover at a hotel in Virginia.  Ballerina is a big fan of hotels - she loves the indoor pool most of all!  Since we traveled the bulk of the trip in the first day, Ballerina and her daddy were able to have a swim before checkout.  It was MUCH colder than we had thought it would be, and while in Tennessee, it was much more wet and forced us indoors for most of the activities.  It turned out that was just fine.  Since the four year reunion had many fewer families than the 2 year reunion we found ourselves really getting into some good conversations and connecting with the other families.  It was just so nice to revisit our China memories with these wonderful families.
Ballerina was intrigued, fascinated and "just so interested in the boys, mama!"  I had to have a little chat with her after the second day of the reunion.  I loved that she was finding kids to connect with, but was a little surprised that it was the two older brothers of some of her young friends.  They were about 8 and 11 years old and I think Ballerina felt she was closer in age to them than the other kids.  Though she is 5, Ballerina is quite tall and towered over the other girls - some she was only a month older than.  She did find herself running with the girls towards the second half of the weekend though, and connected with one of her China friends.  It was the other East Coast girl and she also was the first child in her family too.  The two of them were big hams when it came time to take photos of the girls before departure!
Our little Songbird met the group for the first time and charmed her way into many hearts!  Being the youngest one, she didn't really play as much with the kids, but instead, I would find her sitting on laps and giving hugs to the grown ups.  Each time she would head downstairs, or upstairs to follow the kids, she'd end up chilling with one of the moms/dads.  She is such a little love and she really was sweet with everyone.  Her favorite thing to say, this week: "what's your favorite color?"  She would really listen to the response and even turn the answer around and around as if she was really thinking about it.  She had a ready answer if anyone asked her what her favorite color was: PINK!
Anyway, it was a very nice trip - the ride home was long, but we all survived!
Coming home we found ourselves taking a little bit of time to readjust to a normal schedule and I couldn't bring Songbird to school as she napped VERY late her first day back.  Ballerina on the other hand had her first Kindgergarten field trip - Apple Picking.  The highlight for her was that her daddy was accompanying her class.  Dave told me that she turned to him a number of times and told him how happy she was that he was there.  I could just imagine her enthusiasm and grin, just like I could see the grin on his face when he told me!  She is such a sweetie!  On the way to our reunion she thanked us for bringing her on a trip.  I was floored - she seemed to grasp what a special occasion this was, and was truly happy about it.
Well, now that we're back into the swing of things, I need to get myself back to the gym and back on track to lose the lbs I gained by stopping at Sonic one to many times!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Routines and Habits

The last time I wrote how Ballerina has had a difficult time at bedtime and we were implementing post-school quiet time.  Well, the first day worked BEAUTIFULLY!  She had lots of time to herself in her room with a bowl of buttons, books and her snack.  She was dressed and ready for bed when I returned from my meeting at 7:20.  At "lights out" the sisters happily chattered for a bit and sang some quiet songs.  Both Ballerina and Songbird were asleep at a decent hour and NO issues.  Yesterday might have gone the same way except she kept mixing quiet time with "see what little sister is up to" time.  We ate a little late, waiting for their daddy, and finally as we were about to sit down for dinner....chaos!  Ballerina decided to pour all the water into glasses.  She did fine, but then when she put the pitcher down, over goes my glass.  Okay, so now we're sopping up the far all remains calm.  Then Ballerina NEEDS to get to her chair by crawling under the table....that's not enough...she needs to detour around near Songbird's chair.  Songbird is immensely curious and trying to reach her.  Songbird is in a booster.  She leans just enough to tip over.  I watch in slow motion, unable to stop songbird's chair from completely turning on its side and her head crashing into the bottom of the standing clock.  The clock's pendulum pops out and thuds to the bottom of the cabinet, and Songbird is wailing.  At this moment Ballerina has miraculously appeared behind me (opposite of where she just was) and I move her out of the way, so that I can pull her sister from the floor.  Songbird isn't hurt just scared.  Ballerina is VERY upset and refuses to eat dinner, proposes a time out, early bedtime and no birthday party as her punishment.  After discussing what happened and an apology to Songbird...I invite her back to the table....nope, she's not up for it.  Instead she prefers to cry and wail in her room.  I okay her requested early pajama time and sit down to eat.  Have you ever tried to enjoy your food when an almost 5 year old is just a few feet away wailing away her misery?  AAGH!  I went to close the door and, upon her protest, I told her that she could keep crying, but she needed to lower the volume.....its terrible to laugh, but she did!  She lowered the decibles, but kept wailing!  After dinner she happily hopped off to my bed where she made a "cave" out of does she turn it off like that?  She briefly came out to taste some dinner, but decided that she really was tired and went to sleep very soon after.  When Ballerina isn't in the bedroom Songbird goes to sleep easily and quickly so I was okay with the location switch.  After the three-ring circus I was exhausted!
And what about Songbird and her progress?  Well she's doing really well.  And despite being occasionally pushed aside by Ballerina, she ADORES her big sister.  Regularly when she gives Ballerina a kiss goodnight she adds "I love you so much"....its not something she offers to everyone and its beautiful to hear.  When Ballerina engages her in a fun activity Songbird beams from ear to ear -her laughter is loudest when she's playing with Ballerina.  To see and hear them together I feel like my heart is about to burst with love!
Songbird seems to be slowly adjusting to preschool.  Yesterday her teacher asked about the "thumb in the mouth".  Its been an ever present sight - Songbird with her thumb in her mouth.  Yesterday it was for most of the time in school.  She's even figured out how to talk with her thumb in her mouth.  One time we seriously tried to break the habit...Songbird had a cut on her thumb and I didn't want infection.  After having a near-breakdown when we applied a bandaid, she figured out how to rip off the "secure" wrappings and went back to comforting herself with the thumb.  Its a there for when she's upset, or tired or bored.....sometimes when she's just waiting for dinner, or in the car.....this is a serious habit.  The only way I can get her to take the thumb out is when I say "Songbird....THUMBS UP!"  She then engages in the game and puts her thumb up, and then says "Thumbs UP....Thumbs DOWN!"  Sometimes "Where is Thumbkin also does the trick", unfortumately there's only so much of that we can do before she gets bored guessed it, pops the thumb back in the mouth!  Ack!!
We're looking ahead to adding another girlie to the mix.  Our newest China moonbeam is still waiting.  We have our homestudy approved and are just waiting for it to arrive in our mailbox so that we can send it to the appropriate offices to finish up the paperchase.  We're getting it done!  We can't wait to return to China again - we're excited and nervous.  We pray for her daily and hope that her transition is smooth!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ballerina begins with a "B"

Ballerina is still loving school.....though not getting ready for school!  She is finally feeling tired at the beginnings and ends of her long school day.  Unfortunately the tiredness at the end of the day is revealed through major meltdowns.  She is so self aware....she tells me she is "cranky" and even admits being tired in between screaming and throwing a tantrum.  We are going to try to slow down her soundtrack after school so that she is calmer at bedtime.  Up until now, after I pick her up at the bus, its like she refuels and runs herself into the ground...she's non-stop talking and moving until she finally drops off into sleep.  Starting today, she's going to get some quiet time (without her sister) with some quiet activity and soothing music.  We'll see if it makes any difference in her bedtime attitude tonight.
This week her class is on the "hunt" for the missing letter "B".  She sat down at the table with a magazine and scissors while I supervised her "finds" for inclusion in her "B" bag.  She was cutting out lots of photos along with words....a few times though I had to stop the scissors and move her along.  I hadn't counted on the headlines "Breast Pain" or the advertisement for "Butt Paste" to be contenders for the letter "B".  She asked me why....I had to explain that talking about breasts in Kindergarten wouldn't really be appropriate and we'd choose a better word...!!!
Ballerina and I recently took a walk on Saturday while Songbird napped - as her daddy also tried to catch some zzzzss.  We stopped in at the TaiKwanDo joint and then a Dance studio - I'm on the hunt for a new activity for Ballerina.  She is currently on hiatus from gymnastics and I thought I'd find something new for the next semester.  I told her I wanted to look at the dance classes.  She was down on the idea, until she determined that kids didn't dance with adults - it would only be kids.  Then when I was asking for some details from the front desk, she slipped away to peek in the window of the studio.  There was a huge group of children - from age 3 up to 16/17 practicing a number for the Columbus Day parade.  She was riveted - and pointed out the littlest girl in the front.  When we left the studio she was VERY interested in dance and said she'd like to learn some "cool moves!"  Now we just have to figure out how to pay for this!  This class goes from Sept through May and though we can enter her into the class late, I think we'd still have to pay for the whole year.  Maybe we'll find a place holder program until first grade.....
Ballerina has a lot coming up - she turns FIVE very soon.  With her birthday will come her very first allowance.  I've started to talk to her about what it means and how we'll be dividing up her allowance.  We also have to figure out what new responsibility and priveledge will come her way. 
As she will be starting to grasp the whole $$ thing, she is also deciding what to do with the donation money we're alloting her to celebrate her birthday.  We explained that we would like her to choose a group of people or cause that could use the money for their organization.  We hope that she is excited to be helping people in this way and are glad that she knows this is a positive way to celebrate her big day.  She is just growing up before our eyes - despite my admonition to her regularly to grow SLOW!
Just a quick note on Songbird.  She is listening and not growing too fast!  Songbird is just a little bit of a thing still and learning so much every day.  Yesterday for the first time she was in an upbeat mood and more noisy at pickup from preschool.  Usually I find a quiet girl with a thumb in her mouth.  Yesterday she was cheery and giving high fives to her teachers.  THAT's my girl!  The teacher notes that they are "still working on sharing and cooperative play" - not too hard to decode....she is NOT sharing and grabbing toys from other children...sigh...she'll get there!
Anyway, I have to wake her from naptime so that she can get some lunch in her stomach before its time to go to preschool.  Then its off to the gym for me......its cliche, going to the gym on the day I weigh in at weight watchers -but I do it every week....just that little extra push!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Week

This is the second full week of school and I've finally gotten back into my groove with extra activity.  Having a couple of hours without the girls I've found myself hitting the gym a few times a week during the "down time".  I still have MiniMuffin for one day so its really four days that I have the chance, but that's definitely more than before!  The girls have been having good school days.  Ballerina has been so sweet.  The second week of school she befriended a new student who was, in her words, "very shy and doesn't speak English".  Yesterday she came home with a sticker on her dress and I asked her about it, and her day.  She told me about accompanying a classmate to the nurse's office.  She really is a kind girlie.  She is learning so much in school too and informed me that she will learn to read "really soon".  At the rate she is going, she's not wrong.  I'm grateful that her speech is finally getting some special attention at school.  Up until now Ballerina's speech wasn't "a severe problem" to warrant speech therapy.  Since there are some sounds that she didn't quite outgrow beyond Pre-K, she is now going to have speech twice weekly - Hallalujiah!  She is upbeat about getting speech.  She was slightly jealous that her little sister, Songbird, saw a whole pack of therapists this past year, including speech.  She knows exactly why she has speech and is proud of her progress.
As for Songbird, she seems to be doing well at school.  Its so hard to tell because when I pick her up after three hours she seems pretty tired and quiet.  I wonder if she's quiet all day.  The teachers tell me she knows all the words to all the songs/rhymes.....that's for sure!.....but I wonder if she just perks up after I leave and then wipes herself out on the playground right before pickup.  I don't know.  The cute news on the school front is that Songbird has a little "boyfriend".  At three years old she hasn't really played WITH other children in a cooperative way, just yet, mostly near them.  However, in Songbird's class there were two boys who started with her, and one apparently has become quite attached to her prescence.  LittleMan's mother was leaving the school when we arrived late the other day.  She said, "Oh Good, Songbird's here!"  She told me that LittleMan didn't want her to leave until Songbird came.  When we picked the kids up in the afternoon the teachers were observing that LittleMan only wants to play with Songbird and is her little "protector" on the playground - so SWEET!  As for her interest in LittleMan, she often talks about his toy truck.....  I guess she's broadening her horizons....she's usually just interested in the "pretty dress" as she calls outfits that she admires.  Our little fashionista!
Today I drove past the little church in downtown and was surprised at the sight....a little Kris Kringle looking man dressed to the hilt in his bagpiper finery playing away on the front lawn which was crowded with people on folding chairs.  The tiny front lawn is surrounded by an old fashioned wrought iron fence which was draped with the banner "Concert Today".  Usually their concerts are held INSIDE the church....but when it comes to bagpipes, outside really is best.  It was a great day for a farmer's market, which is where I was headed after finding a parking space.  In the garage a very nice woman pointed the way to her spot, which was close to the entrance and then handed me her ticket stub with four more hours left.  Very nice!  I only needed two and tried to find someone to pass the favor along to when I left - post farmer's market and gym.  Alas, nobody else was looking for a space around that time....another time!
The farmer's market is really different when I'm not toting around two kiddos in a stroller.  I was really glad to not have to maneuver the orange beast through the narrow rows today, the place was packed.  I like to do a circuit around the market once before I start to make my purchases.  This gives me a good idea about what's for sale, and who's got the best deal.  I'm noticing that there are many more baked goods tables and even more nut tables - what's up with that?  The farmer's market is getting a little upscale with the guy who only sells gourmet olive oils and all the prepared foods, but there are still lots of veggies and fruits - the basic farm stuff!  While I duck the tables with the cheap magnets and plastic toys and slide past the stands with fake purses and knit hats, I also have learned which food tables must be skipped.  There is one table where it seems like the fruit "fell off the truck."  I'm not implying that its stolen fruit - but that perhaps the fruit actually fell off the truck and the vendor put it back on, intending to sell it all! 
Well, tomorrow I have a tight schedule.  I'm still planning to hit the gym but I can't linger and take my time getting home to hit the showers.  I am watching MiniMuffin for an hour and need to be home to play with her!  BakerBee is participating in a focus group, and MiniMuffin will hang with me for a bit.  So, its off to bed for me.  Songbird will wake us bright and early!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Monday

So, today is the first day that I have both Ballerina and Songbird in their school schedules AND I have their baby cousin MiniMuffin - right now she is in the pack-n-play in my room yelling loudly....MOMMY....then she squeals it.....she is hysterical!
I have had MiniMuffin on Mondays for over a year and we've had to adjust our schedules accordingly whenever school or summer breaks change things.  This morning we did pretty well.  I was at the bus stop with the girls waiting for Ballerina's bus and was ready with hubby's keys in my pocket in case MiniMuffin's mama arrived and could do the carseat swap.  But, we are now out and back to the apartment so early that I am surprised that it isn't later!  My sis, BakerBee has to pop Ballerina's booster off the seat and replace it with MiniMuffin's carseat.  This afternoon I will be shuttling Songbird to school with MiniMuffin, return home for a few unprecedented hours alone with my niece and then pickup Ballerina and Songbird in quick succession.  If we are able to pull that off with nobody being late, we're doing well!
I am waiting for MiniMuffin to finally fall asleep!  Thankfully Songbird is asleep already - this will be good for lunchtime.  I felt terrible last week to wake her from her nap so that she could eat lunch before school.  She seemed pretty tired when I picked her up from her day away from me.....a tiny bit was probably the naptime interrupted.
Our Mondays with MiniMuffin have definitely been something my girls look forward to.  We dub the days Girls Club.  There have been challenging the times that Songbird and MiniMuffin want to play with the same toy.....Songbird does NOT like to share with her cousin!  But there are many sweet moments - when they all play "ring around the rosey" or all attack me with hugs while screaming "HUUUUUGGG!" at the top of their lungs.  We have a lot of laughing and lots more mess, but lots of fun!
We've come a long way from the first babysitting day where BakerBee came into my room to wake me up because she was there before I was up!  ACK!  In all fairness though, we were only back from China a week or two with Songbird and it was the first day hubby went back to work after the big trip.  I was tired!  But we made it through the day.  Thankfully God invented Naps!!!
I'm listening out for MiniMuffin.....who sounds suspiciously quiet now.....I think she finally dropped off....phew!  I think I'm going to take her mama's reccomendation to wait until I return from dropping Songbird at school to feed her - otherwise she will get her nap interrupted.
Oh, wow, just looked at the clock - I'll have to wake up Songbird in about 15 minutes to get lunch into her before its time to go! 
I guess its just as well that I have no blog followers to date - this was a most BORING post!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of School

Today was Ballerina's first day of Kindergarten.  This is not the first time she's stepped inside a classroom - last year she was in Pre-K.  This is the first FULL day of school and she EXPECTS to learn how to read this year - so its a pretty big deal!  Ballerina asked me when she would start putting words together, I asked that she give her teacher a few days before she expected to form words and sentences.  !!!!  I pray that this teacher can set the pace for Miss Ballerina as she is ready to move 'fast forward'.  Songbird missed her sister as soon as we got in the car to drive to the Parents' breakfast.  She asked where she was.  I'm not sure she realizes that when she wakes up from her nap that Ballerina will still be at school.  She was showing signs of enjoying the mommy & daddy time as we left the breakfast and drove Dave back to work.  I'll have a little more quality time with Songbird before its time to drive her to school.  Thankfully Dave is working in town today, so he will come with me to drop off the second of our babies at her new preschool.  I thought tears would wait until they were both in school, but after Ballerina was happily boarded on the bus and we got into the car, the tears started to flow.  My baby, my sweet Ballerina girl is in school full time and she has a whole day away from me.  I'm sad, but incredibly proud of her.  She is facing Kindergarten with enthusiasm that she can barely contain.  She is ready to attack the subject of reading.  She's already recognizing lots of words and I know she will soak everything up like a sponge.  I hope she makes some good friends and I'm eager to hear her "full report" when I pick her up this afternoon.  She has a special way of describing her activities and I'm looking forward to her first observations about Kindergarten.  Now, I have to wake up Songbird so that she has a good lunch before its time for her to spend a few hours away from her mommy.  She did well with the one hour orientation yesterday, but this will be a bit longer and I'm not sure how things will go.  I'd lean toward "just fine", but when I pick her up, I'll find out!  What will I do with myself for two hours?  I'm sure I'll figure something out!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Countdown....

We are at the end of our more day until school begins!  I'm excited for my girls, but sad at the same time.  I'm not completely ready to send my baby off to preschool.  Its only a few hours, but they're hours where I'm not there with her!  Our little Songbird is going to have a lot of fun, but I'm still working on bonding and hope that this doesn't set us back.  As for Ballerina, she is SOOO ready for Kindergarten.  She actually said to me recently that she might be a little shy on the first day - but I think she was just throwing me a bone.  Every time I've brought her to a kids-only type class, she has enthusiastically joined the action right from the get-go and happily waved mommy away!  She is looking forward to the bus, eating lunch at school and learning to read.  I'm going to be waiting at that bus-stop for her classic, chock-full of information, report.  Last year her first week was filled with details like where the blocks and books belong, who she sat next to during snack, who wasn't listening to teacher and who was crying.  She is ready for more challenges and I'm hoping that she enjoys Kindergarten as much as she enjoyed Pre-K.  She really had a great teacher last year.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Awash in Girl's Clothes!

Today I'm at my mom's for the Labor Day holiday.  I'm taking advantage of the time to sort through all the clothing I've stashed in mom's attic.  Getting rid of all the 2T and below and putting them aside for a clothing swap/clothing donation.  I am holding on to one pair of pjs that both my girlies wore - mostly in China.  Dave used to say Ballerina was on "Team Low Fat" when she wore those.  There was a patch on one sleeve depicting a carton of "low fat" milk.  We have good memories of the girls in those pjs.  Going through all the stuff that the girls wore brings it all back - the sweet toddler moments swishing around in dresses and crawling around in feetie jammies.  The beautiful blue princess coat that the girls wore MAY get one last wearing before passing it along to baby cousin.  Songbird will NOT try it on for me though, so I'll have to wait and see.  I think she's just not ready to accept the colder weather!  We've recently purged a bunch of toys too and I'm glad to know that there are people who need what the girls no longer do.  Dave found out from a co-worker that she sends clothes/toys to a friend, overseas, who brings the items to families on her visiting nurse rounds.  We also have passed toys along to some of Songbird's therapists for use with other children.  The apartment is going to be a bit more crowded when we change up the girls room to accomodate a bunk bed - we need all the space we can get!  Allright, enough procrastinating - I need to finish sorting all the clothes!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Post

I've always been the one who scribbled my thoughts and observations in a real, full of pages, paper bound journal. I've dabbled in online blogging when my daughters' arrivals into our families were on the other side of the world and I wanted to share their introduction to our family with our wider, extended family and friends. I've always written the most when I've traveled. Its the time when I find the most interesting happenings and differences - when I'm outside of my regular routine and surroundings.
So, here's to finding interesting happenings and differences even when I'm NOT traveling.
But, in the next year we definitely plan to be on the other side of the world again.
In addition to our Monkey and our Dog, we hope to meet our Tiger sooner than later!